The BCRC works with state and municipal officials to protect, prepare, mitigate, respond to, and recover from threats, hazards, emergencies, and disasters. Through communication, plan assistance, and regional trainings, we work towards the goal of developing more resilient communities. Please reach out to Dara Zink at 802-442-0713 ext. 7 or for emergency planning or preparedness assistance.
Community resilience includes:
- Completing requirements of the Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund (ERAF).
- Maintaining a Hazard Mitigation Plan. HMPs help municipalities qualify for more funds after a disaster through ERAF, and allow municipalities to become eligible for FEMA grant assistance. The BCRC also assists with grant applications under the Hazard Mitigation Funding Program.
- Maintaining current Local Emergency Management Plans (LEMP). Updated or readopted LEMPs are due by May 1st each year.
- Attending Regional Emergency Management Committee meetings.
- Assessing your communities risk by reviewing the Community Report section on the Flood Ready website.
- Visiting the Flood Ready Atlas to see where the flood hazard areas and river corridors are located.
- Attending Incident Command System (ICS) trainings, Emergency Management Director (EMD) trainings, National Incident Management System (NIMS) trainings, and other necessary trainings listed on the Vermont Learning Management Syatem (for instructions on how to access the site, chick here).
- Signing up for Vermont Alert to receive emergency alerts by text, email, or phone call.
- Providing emergency information on municipal websites, such as shelter information, weather alerts, and how to make an emergency kit.
- Knowing where to direct those that need individual assistance:
- Vermont 2-1-1 Dial 211
- American Red Cross Vermont
- Vermont Disaster Animal Response Team
Training Resources
Planning Templates
COVID-19 Information
- Free take-home COVID tests available through the VT Department of Health to municipalities, libraries, nonprofits, and food shelves. (For-profit businesses and individuals not eligible). Request here.
- SVMC COVID-19 Information
- VT Department of Health Vaccine Information
Public Health and Community Resources